Re: Homeless

Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 16:49:03 MDT (Amara Graps) writes:

>His years from age ~60 show his
>illness in a dramatic remission and his colleagues call him "recovered".
>He is perhaps, one of the rare schizophrenic cases that goes into

Not that rare, actually; schizophrenia often abates with age. One theory
is that schizophrenia results from hyperactivity in certain dopamine systems.
The dopamine systems deteriorate with age, and so some of these patients
become more normal again.

That schizophrenia strikes overwhelmingly during a relatively short window in
late teens/early twenties is interesting. Is there a temporally programmed
brain change which goes to excess in such people? Possibly the onset
period for schizophrenia might provides clues on how and why the brain
changes function during life.

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