Re: Homeless

From: ankara (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 10:27:27 MDT

>I wish that this wasn't the case because I'm not particularly excited
>about the prospect of living in Los Angeles. For those of you who've
>been to Vancouver, you'll recognize it as an incredible city-- in many
>ways(in my not so objective opinion,) one of the finest cities on the planet.


After living (11 years) in that underwater, crime-infested, depressing
twilight known as Vancouver, I loved L.A.'s sunshine and creative energy.
In Vancouver, my 8-mile morning commute (from Kits Beach to North Van) took
40 minutes to an hour. (At least in L.A. all the bad drivers are dead.)

Vancouver's February is known as 'Suicide Month.' The Pacific Northwest has
the highest violent crime rate against women and children in North America.
(I believe it's some sort of damp-induced brain fungus that impairs IQ and
provokes rage.)

I noticed a vast difference btwn Canadian, (esp West Coast Cdn) and US (esp
Californian) personal ethics and business practices - eg. the Vancouver
stock exchange is an insider joke. My best adivce is to do business only
with enitites solid enough to sue.

You'll perhaps miss Vancouver's male to female ratio (something like 11:1)
which has given it a reputation as a 'bachelor's' paradise. I do miss
Vancouver's ethnic restaurants. Oh, and that rare sunny day in October when
the number of tourists has dwindled and an ocean breeze makes its way
around the island to sweep the yellow haze all the way to Surrey.

>I'm a -little- bit afraid of who I might become once I move there - I'm
>hoping to do >some good fortification to my personality before I make the

Care to share your tactics?

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