Re: Homeless

From: ankara (
Date: Sun Sep 10 2000 - 12:26:21 MDT

>Emlyn asks in part:
>.....Similarly, why is silicon valley the place to be? Why would I set up
>business there, with all the attendant cost, if I was running an essentially
>whitecollar (knowledge work) business? Is it so important to be
>geographically close to my complementors, and my competition?
>I realise there's probably a simple answer to this, but for the life of me,
>I can't work it out.


The hi-tech business gave birth to Silicon Valley and then the cost of
living there began esculate as it grew. New business was attracted by the
existing potentially raidable employee base. Silicon Valley, and the entire
Bay Area has reached a maximum saturation also because the California
weather is wonderful and the ocean is just over the hill. No one wants to
go back to Buffalo....

Silicon Valley is not unlike the fictional Steppford. It's a fractal. No
less flavorless art-deprived strip-mall community ever existed.

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