Re: 7th day adventists and life extension

From: David A. Kekich (
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 10:13:37 MST

david gobel wrote:

> Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe the Bible teaches the existence of an
> immaterial/immortal soul. We believe that we are entirely composed of
> material found on Earth (adham=Earthling-clay-human in hebrew), and when
> (sadly) we die, we are recycled to dirt. Jehovah's Witnesses' position on
> life is that we want to prolong it because it is a really cool gift. Kinda
> necessary in fact. We want to live forever. We believe that was the original
> intention. We will accept any medical procedure or method which has proven
> to be beneficial in double blind studies with ONE well publicized exception.
> We don't smoke. We don't take non-prescription addictive or hallucinogenic
> drugs.

My mother was a Jehova Witness. That is, until she died last March,
because she refused a transfusion. The doctors unamamously agreed 4
units of blood would have saved her. Her "brothers" and "sisters" hung
around the hospital like a pack of vultures, making sure she wouldn't
get blood. It was her wish, and we wouldn't violate it, but her
mysticism finally killed her after suffering for 3 weeks in ICU.


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