ECON: Socialism as a viable form of organization (was Re: Extropy and Rednecks)

From: Tim Hruby (
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 10:53:57 MST

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:59:12 -0500, "Michael S. Lorrey"
<> wrote:

> wrote:
> > In a message dated 1/15/99 12:43:57 PM Central Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > >
> > > But does socialism inherently involve advocating the use of force?
> > > Can't it be organized on a voluntary basis?
> >
> > I don't recall any instance where socialism hasn't involved force,
> > ultimately. Have there been actual examples?
> >
>I would say that with the sole exception of communes and kibbutzes, which
>still relied on significant amounts of peer pressure, no socialist
>organization with any political power has worked for very long without
>force. My opinion for this is that since communalism is so much of an
>anathema to human nature that force must be used to maintain a population
>in permanent residency. Note that communes and kibbutzes do have
>significant turnover levels, mostly of young adults coming and going once
>they got the socialist bug worked out of their systems. I admit that when I
>was a teenager that I considered myself a socialist for about two weeks...
>then I regained my sanity and actually thought things through. I once heard
>someone say that they would be worried about a person who had not been a
>socialist for at least 15 minutes in their lives....
> Mike Lorrey

Whether "socialism" can be a viable voluntary form of organization all
depends on how you define the parameters. Certainly, if you define it as a
form of "government" then ipso facto it involves coercion, as most people
define a "government" as an institution that has monopolized the
"legitimate" use of force.

However, even inside an unrestricted "free market," people form voluntary
organizations _all of the time_ wherein "each contributes according to his
ability and each takes according to his needs." The most common example is
kinship and marriage based communities, i.e., "families," but business
organizations, i.e., companies are also clear examples of economic
organizations that are not internally governed by market principles.
Families tend to lean more towards communism (as defined by the Marxist
quote above), while business tend more toward socialism, in that they
allow/tolerate a more uneven distribution of the fruits of the collective
enterprise. Most people appear to make the calculation that it is
economically efficient to participate in these kinds of organizations, and
they generally do so free of the type of coercion we associate with

Explained from a more theoretical perspective, this is simply an
application of Coase's Theory of the Firm. Quite simply, Coase's Theory of
the Firm posits that, given the existence of transaction costs and
differing utility curves, there are economic activities that are more
efficiently performed inside the structure of a command economy (rather
than being contracted out on the free market). Thus, in a "free market"
(where people are free to organize their activities as they will) people
will voluntarily form "command economies" around these bottlenecks to
maximize economic efficiency. Depending on transaction costs, it can be a
tremendous drag on efficiency to outsource your required inputs. This is
why companies exist: rather than all economic interaction being a
negotiated transaction between two individuals, sometimes it is more
efficient to have a command economy. Thus, a small-business owner makes
the calculation that it is more efficient to hire permanent help that she
can order to do any task she needs help with, rather than attempting to
hire temporary help for different individual projects; or a corporation
that manufactures end-use products might also own factories to manufacture
its primary inputs, perhaps because it cannot tolerate the uncertainty
associated with acquiring those inputs on the open market.

To summarize, belief in the efficiency of the "laissez faire" free market
does not require one to eliminate the socialist meme as an appropriate
method of economic organization. Inefficiencies and differing utility
curves will result in the creation of voluntary organizations in which each
participant agrees to work towards maximizing the good of the whole rather
than their individual good, often in exchange for some reduction of the
risk of sub-par individual economic performance. Perhaps you are a
risk-tolerant entrepreneur, but there are others who would prefer to join a
corporation or partnership where they share the risks and rewards with
others in exchange for a more predictable income. This too is "socialism,"
and it appears to work.

It is obviously different from the "Socialism" coercively imposed by a
government, but that's what happens when you bandy about words loaded with
ideological baggage, without stopping to think about what they really mean.
If "voluntary socialism" is defined as "an organization run with an
internal command economy to which the members voluntarily submit," then of
course it has been an economically successful method of organizing
vis-a-vis its competitors. Just look at Microsoft....

Now, if your ideological meme-set makes you want to define businesses and
families as something other than "socialism" then we've got a whole 'nother
semantic ball of wax around which to engage in a typical Extropian-list
ideological flame-fest.... But many such disagreements, it is rooted in
the fact that people attach different meanings to a meme-symbol like

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