Re: The "Group-Entity" Illusion

Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 10:59:05 MST

I had written:
>"Collective entity" seems to involve a contradiction, since a collection
>objects can't itself be a physical object, it exists solely as a concept.

Ian replies:
  IAN: A stone is an object, and as I understand,
  it's composed of "a collection of objects" known
  as molecules, atoms, and subatomic entities; which
  directly falsifies your claim that "a collection
  of objects can't itself be a physical object."

Perhaps I should've written "mere collection of objects". A stone is
emphatically *not* just a "collection" (a mental grouping or association)
but a coherent whole that responds to changes as a unit. You can kick it,
you can stub your toe on it. You can't kick a mere collection of things,
such as "all the rocks in the universe".

I had written:
>Apparently you wish
>to include concepts such as sets, relations and systems under the
>definition of "entity". But this usage generates confusion, since there
>obvious basic differences between physical things on the one hand and
>arrangements of things on the other, and grave errors ensue from failing
>distinguish different categories.

Ian responds:
  IAN: Your error of saying physical objects
  (which are collections of entities) cannot
  exist seems the gravest and only error here.

But of course I said nothing of the sort. See above.

Again me:
>Smith's famous invisible hand - virtually synonymous with the extropian
>principle of spontaneous organisation - is the internal organizing
>principle of a complex relational nexus.

And he:
  IAN: And the "complex relational nexus"
  is the "collective entity." I think that
  the case to the contrary is just semantics.

I'll agree to disagree. "Just semantics" discounts the importance of
careful language usage IMO, but have it your way.


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