Pascal's Wager

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Sat Dec 05 1998 - 18:22:16 MST

Pascal's wager is restated to argue a different point:

> One: if you do not believe in christian god there are two
> possibilities, if christian god exists you will go in hell,
> if it doesn't nothing happen. Two: if you do believe in god,
> and it doesn't exist, then there is no consequence, but if
> it does (finally) exist, then JackpoT!!! you go in heaven.

Poster contends that the fallacy is lack of probabilities,
but it is actually quite a bit simpler and more obvious than
that: the premises of the argument are simply false. There
/is/ a cost to belief, and there /is/ a benefit to non-belief,
and both the costs and benefits of both choices must be
evaluated to make a rational choice.

Indeed, I personally think that it is not possible for a
person who honestly believes in God to be a moral person or
lead an effective, worthwhile life, so the cost of belief
is very high--the sacrifice of this life for the false hope
in the next.

The same logical fallacy is often used to argue for cryonics.
(replace "belief" with "cryo-contract", "heaven" with
"survival", and "hell" with "death"). The fallacy is the
same: there /is/ a measurabe cost to cryonics (in hard cash)
and possible benefits to abstention (though these are more
speculative: perhaps the money you save will be invested in
better immortality technologies). On balance, I think
cryonics is the right choice to make (it is for me), but not
because of such weak arguments.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>
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