Re: POLITICS: Agriculture subsidies

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 23:08:43 MDT

At 09:33 PM 6/16/02 -0700, samantha wrote:

>> At 10:23 AM 6/16/02 +1000, Colin wrote:

>>>[We need our farmers to make unsellable stuff

>Damien Broderick wrote:

>> Some hangover from a folk sentiment that a nation should at least be able
>> to feed itself?

>If a third world nation cannot feed itself then please explain
>to me on what basis it is going to build its own economy and
>balance of payments.

What? We are talking about the USA's agrisubsidies that have as a side
effect the partial obliteration of unsubsidized food production outside the
sacred Homeland borders. I don't think the Homeland is a third world nation
(although when that USian folk sentiment arose perhaps it was, sort of,
since everything was, sort of).

Damien Broderick

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