Re: POLITICS: Agriculture subsidies

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 22:33:33 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:

> At 10:23 AM 6/16/02 +1000, Colin wrote:
>>Or is there some strategic need to prop it all up that isn't obvious to me.
>>[We need our farmers to make unsellable stuff
> Leaving aside the influence of the very rich (in this case agribiz) upon
> those who make political decisions:
> The agrarian mythos?
> Some hangover from a folk sentiment that a nation should at least be able
> to feed itself?

If a third world nation cannot feed itself then please explain
to me on what basis it is going to build its own economy and
balance of payments. It sure isn't going to compete any time
soon on more high tech ventures. If it cannot create a
relatively stable economy then it will be a perpetual debtor
nation and nothing much will ever come of it except the
occassional disaster and need of aid.

- samantha

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