Re: Singularity: can't happen here

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 18:36:59 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> > Excuse me but there is not a damn thing wrong with gay
> > marriage. There is something wrong with bigots telling me that
> > my desire to marry the partner of my choice is wrong or a matter
> > of the moral or political decadence.
> I didn't say it wasn't, but you must admit that this is a policy that is
> generally exclusive to the left.

That is surely quite irrelevant one way or the other, isn't it?
And I still have a lot of trouble with "left" vs. "right"
labels. They are largely irrelevant. Classification in 2-3
dimensions is more interesting for categorizing
political/economic views.

>I think it's rather indicative that
> Vermont is the only state to legalize this AND that the state supreme
> court decision that mandated the legislature craft such a law used
> typically leftist 'judicial activism' in inventing an interpretation of
> the state constitution that claimed to read something that was not
> there.

Still doesn't make it a leftist doctrine or issue. Letting
legitimate issues be co-opted by the opposition is surely not a
good idea.

> Oh, and I forgot, Vermont also has one of the most 'pc' of hate-crime
> laws, where individuals have been convicted and put in jail for simply
> using the 'n' word.

Really? Even regardless of race? How the heck do they justify
putting someone in jail for simply using obnoxious and/or
bigotted language? True hate-crimes result in people being
seriously molested and even killed. Preventing those has
nothing to do with outlawing words or saying hateful things.
And I say this as a member of a couple of sub-populations who
have suffered altogther too many real hate-crimes.

- samantha

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