Re: Singularity: can't happen here

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 18:22:41 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > > Excuse me but there is not a damn thing wrong with gay
> > > marriage. There is something wrong with bigots telling me that
> > > my desire to marry the partner of my choice is wrong or a matter
> > > of the moral or political decadence.
> >
> > I didn't say it wasn't, but you must admit that this is a policy that is
> > generally exclusive to the left.
> That is surely quite irrelevant one way or the other, isn't it?
> And I still have a lot of trouble with "left" vs. "right"
> labels. They are largely irrelevant. Classification in 2-3
> dimensions is more interesting for categorizing
> political/economic views.
> >I think it's rather indicative that
> > Vermont is the only state to legalize this AND that the state supreme
> > court decision that mandated the legislature craft such a law used
> > typically leftist 'judicial activism' in inventing an interpretation of
> > the state constitution that claimed to read something that was not
> > there.
> >
> Still doesn't make it a leftist doctrine or issue. Letting
> legitimate issues be co-opted by the opposition is surely not a
> good idea.

Of course not, but there are some libertarian positions that the
dems/liberals promote, and others that the GOP/conservatives promote.
Thus, the fact that Vermont, which is documented as the target of an
organized effort since the 1970's to migrate liberals there in order to
change the political landscape AND that it is the only state to legalize
gay marriage (as well as sibling and parent/child 'domestic
partnerships') AND that gay issues are libertarian ones that generally
liberals only promote supports my original contention.

> > Oh, and I forgot, Vermont also has one of the most 'pc' of hate-crime
> > laws, where individuals have been convicted and put in jail for simply
> > using the 'n' word.
> Really? Even regardless of race? How the heck do they justify
> putting someone in jail for simply using obnoxious and/or
> bigotted language? True hate-crimes result in people being
> seriously molested and even killed. Preventing those has
> nothing to do with outlawing words or saying hateful things.
> And I say this as a member of a couple of sub-populations who
> have suffered altogther too many real hate-crimes.

Well, I think I've documented this already on the list, of a local case
where the state hate-crimes law was used by a police officer to
successfully charge and convict a drunk woman for calling him a nigger
(he is black). She spent 30 days in jail and paid I think a $1000 fine
or so.

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