Creation\Emulation (was Re: computers composing music)

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 20:24:25 MST

Jeff Nordahl wrote:

>The programmers then set up a blues progression of a few chords and
applied >the Jimi Hendrix pattern to it. Amazingly, the resulting jam
session sounded >like an authentic Hendrix composition.

        The key word being "like." It is relatively easy for one musician to
emulate another's sound or style, and probably easier for a computer to do
so effectively. However, a large part of music enjoyment is based upon the
character and familiarity of the musician himself. If I am somewhere where
music is solely for atmospheric purposes (eg: shopping malls etc.), I
likely wouldn't care whether the music playing was Mozart or a computer
replication with a Mozart feel; but, admittedly, if I was searching for
Mozart-like music and found an item which I *knew* was a computer
replication, I would not buy it on the basis of its having no originality
or creative impetus.

        With all of the digital technology available today (such as sampling,
sequencing, multi-tracking composition programs, MIDI-PC links etc.) one
would think that the standard of creative composition should be shooting
way up; the fact is that few current musicians can claim to possess the
same creative vision as many of the long-dead, famous composers. Instead
of creating more elaborate and complex compositions, most novices and
seasoned musicians aim for the simple radio-ready pop and techno music; the
standards are low.

        In my own way, I try to use technology to create new and challenging
music; I'm bored of conventional compositions, and tired of the commercial
acceptance of emulation as an art form. Technology is a wonderful thing,
and most will agree that its purpose is to create progress. I hope that
technology will do this with music and art as well.

E. Shaun Russell Extropian, Musician, ExI Member <KINETICIZE *YOUR* POTENTIAL>

"The reason I'm involved with to end the carnage."
                                      -Robert Bradbury, Extro-4

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