Islamic women at the bank

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 20:22:53 MST

Elizabeth Childs wrote:

> What about the whole-body-covering outfits worn by Islamic women?

Wow, cool angle Elizabeth. Never thought of that one. There is an
Islamic family down the street and the older women wear that
costume. At least I *assume* they are older *women*... {8^D
I dont know what happens if they wanna go to the bank...{8^D

If we get universal surveillance, I imagine the Islamic thing
will be big. Thats one of those where you really cant yank the
disguise off em, even if you suspect its some yahoo up to no good.
If it is a *real* Islamic woman, it would be almost rape, analogous
to stripping an American woman nekkid. Im sure her civil rights
would be wronged.

Nowthen, lets look once more at the other end of the spectrum:
those of us who are willing to give up *all* privacy if some good
could come of it, such as for medical progress. If we could get
about 100,000 volunteers who would be willing to have observed
their every move, every action, everything they eat and drink, looks
like we could generate a database from which a tremendous
wealth of medical info could be filtered. I have in mind a ping-pong
ball sized or slightly smaller device that would ride inside the stomach,
just small enough to be sent down the throat of an anesthetized
patient, but too large to be passed by the pylorus. It would
analyze and record the stomach contents in real time, as well
as recording any other bodily functions that could be recorded
from that place. For instance, an appropriately designed
device riding in the stomach should be able to figure out
when the carrier is having sex, for instance (Im not sure how
it could determine with whom, however). Ideas? spike

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