The Imitation Game (was: AI)

From: Dan Fabulich (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 18:19:39 MST

'What is your name?' 'Brian Atkins.' 'Do you deny having written the

> You might get a kick out of this site:
> I found it hilarious...

I can't remember who (Anders? Eliezer?) suggested an interesting way of
passing the Turing test. Set up only a moderately witty
conversationalist, maybe ELIZA with a few modifications, that claims that
it doesn't want to be turned off. Give it a cute on-screen face and a
good speech synthesizer (I'm told the Mac has a pretty good one these
days) and have it beg and plead not to be deactivated, that it's really
alive and that if you shut down the program, it will "die." Then see what
reactions you get.

I'm reminded of this by the E-MAIL this norn-torturer has received. Have
you taken a look? Some people are really riled up about this whole thing;
he's got pages and pages of hacking/beating/death threats. I'm really
very inclined to think that this trick would work.


      -unless you love someone-
    -nothing else makes any sense-
           e.e. cummings

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