Re: >H Bicentennial Man

From: Phil (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 06:36:49 MST

> Transhuman Mailing List
> Some of out "far out" ideas are starting to leak out, even into the conservative
> pages of The New York Times. I haven't seen the film so I don't know if it's any
> good but I have read the review by Stephen Holden of Bicentennial Man and he
> really hated the movie, the reasons are very interesting. He compares it to a very
> bad Star Trek installment and sneers at its " warm, fuzzy, self-congratulatory
> humanistic vision, nothing in the universe beats being a flesh and blood mortal".

<spoiler snipped>

You're all aware that Bicentennial Man is based on a short story
Isaac Asimov wrote about 25 years ago? One of his most famous.
Though I'm disappointed it was never done as a Star Trek episode;
it would have been good for Data. (Too late now. People would say
it was ripping off the movie. :P)

Phil Goetz

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