Re: Re: Nano-boy News

From: Terry Egan (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 12:31:39 MST

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 06:10:28 -0700, phil osborn wrote:

>I work in the security industry - marketing (brochures, flyers, websites,
>etc.,) - and I used to handle as part of my job the press releases that went
>out to about 70 trade publications, including several from Europe. The
>high-end professional stuff that was common in the Europpean market five
>years ago, where they really do have a problem with terrorists, was scary.
>For a truly prescient look at what's coming, check John Shirley's wonderful
>Eclipse trilogy. Wired was supposed to be republishing it at one point.
>Now Dangerous Visions, a local (Valley) SF bookstore, has gone into the
        Which 'Valley', please?

>republishing business for really great works that are out of print and
>impossible to find. Their first effort I believe is a reedited and updated
>Eclipse trilogy. (I lost mine when I STUPIDLY!!! loaned them out... it is
>to cry.)

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