Re: META: Dead horses

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 05:58:54 MST

"Harvey Newstrom" <> writes:

> Unfortunately, this is a common pattern for Extropians. We cannot debate
> any area of serious disagreement. Qualia, guns, abortion, homosexuality,
> the copy question, Privately Produce Law, politics, mysticism, etc. have all
> been banned at various times because useful debate was not possible. I'm
> sure many more examples could be found by going through the archives.
> How useful can this list be if debate fails upon any real difference of
> opinion? How can we debate or disagree while maintaining useful dialog?

A friend explained to me the difference between a discourse and a
discussion: a discussion ends with some kind of conclusion or last
word, the discourse just continues (ideally refining the concepts,
making everybody participating and listening learn more). I think this
fits in with what Lee Daniel Crocker said. However, it is not good if
the same issues are rehashed indefinitely (no knowledge growth), or if
people become so emotional that the debate does nothing but produce
emotionality. If FAQs, collected hypertext mail archives or canons
could be written, then the first problem could be ameliorated. If
people could become better at controlling their emotional reactions or
see their views with from the meta-level (after all, we are all
transhumanists, aren't we?) or develop list-institutions to dampen the
worst mood-swings then we could likely improve the amount of knowledge

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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