RE: what would it take for a "bachelors in extropian studies?"

From: Leonardo Gonzalez (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 18:57:42 MST

> I was wondering as seen in the form of degree requirements, what classes
> would a person have to take to get a "bachelors in extropian studies?"
> Would engineering be the foundation of this degree? How much philosophy,
> history, poly sci and sociology would be needed? And what about the
> biological sciences? A fine arts requirement possibly?
> I look forward to getting some detailed posts on this question.
> Sincerely,
> John Grigg

It would be nice to be able to study self-organizing systems without needing
to be engaged in a post-graduate math or physics program. Or AI without
needing a bullet-proof computer science and math background. Or cognitive
neuroscience without a degree in biology, or psychology.

The technical nature of these subjects require substantial preparation. But
by not addressing these topics at the undergraduate level, I think too much
of the "good stuff" is saved 'til later and not many students get exposed to

I think there is plenty of material that could be reduced and simplified to
an undergraduate survey level and integrated in a one semester - or even one
year - class. This would doubly serve the purposes of exposing many more
people to these fascinating topics, as well as presenting an integrative
perspective that will benefit them in their later studies.

Any thoughts?

Leonardo Gonzalez
Extropian Technologies
Cellular: (831) 840-0433
Fax: (831) 840-0420

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