Re: religion bashing?

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 10:25:03 MDT

Micah Redding <redding_l@FHU.EDU> Wrote:

>I have noticed that many people on this list engage in "religion

Yes, that's one of the things that makes this list so loveable.
I mean, if religion doesn't deserve bashing what does?

>Most of the accusations against religion on this list are
> unfounded or unfair.

My fundamental accusation is that religion treats faith as a
wonderful virtue, that's why God made the evidence for his
existence so poor, that way we get to exercise this glorious
quality. Being certain that something is true when there is
no reason to think so is the highest form of good.

By contrast I think faith is a grave character flaw.
The only apostle I like was Thomas because he doubted.

    John K Clark

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