Re: societal norms

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 11:14:32 MDT

On 10/20/99, at 12:00 PM, Rob Harris wrote:

>You're not as alone as you think. I'm sure that most, if not all the
>subscribers to this list already see the situation you describe just as you
>do. It would take immense stupidity and arrogance to accept the
>classification of new "disorders" based upon deviations from the ideal
>social norms of deranged elitists.

Beyond defining new forms of deviation, APA members and their brethren
have also promulgated the notion that there are preferred personalities.
That some personalities are better, or healthier, than others. For example,
that freely expressing your emotions is better than holding them in check.

Finding _Please Understand Me_ years ago was a breath of fresh air. Its tone
in describing the 16 poles of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory was that
these are all valid personalities. You are encouraged to understand someone
else's perspective rather than try to change them.


I'm fascinated by how different professions attract different personalities,
and the consequences of this. Most computer programmers are INTP, which
is only 1% of the general public. If you are a programmer, how do you design
software that a salesman (ESFJ) will use? 92% of teachers are SJ or NF,
yet they have to connect with students of all types. If you are a Judging
teacher, how do you avoid penalizing Perceiving students?

I would bet that 95% of the subscribers to this list are NT (only 12% of
general public), that at least 70% are xNTP (6% of public), and that at least
40% are INTP (1% of public). This is a hurdle that no one has mentioned in
propagating our ideas.

-- David Lubkin.

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