Re: META: barfsome terminology

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 06:27:36 MDT

At 07:13 AM 5/10/99 EDT, Greg Burch wrote:

>Thanks, Damien, for treating me with a dose of my own medicine.

It only tastes nasty for a moment while you swallow it. :)

>(For the record, this is the first time anyone has leveled the term
>"barfsome" at anything I've written . . . a personal milestone of sorts.)

At what you wrote but, of course, as I was careful to point out, not at you
or Robin personally.

The first time I encountered this human body = meat (outside of the classic
Eucharistic context, which would presumably turn a few righteous Christian
stomachs if they ever thought for a moment about what they were saying) was
in L. Ron Hubbard's $cientology rantings. (Get thee behind me, Thetan!) A
good reason just by itself to avoid the usage.

Damien Broderick

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