Re: META: barfsome terminology

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 11:11:36 MDT

> I'd like to suggest that people stop using the term `meat'
> about human beings.
> [Now den Otter can take the podium and denounce
> `political correctness'...]

I'll put in a comment for etymological correctness: "meat" originally
referred simply to food of any kind, so bread was "meat" too. The
usage does have an earthy punch to it, but the connotation of edibility
is unfortunate. "Wetware" works pretty well when referring specifically
to the brain. "Flesh" has connotations of weakness that work well in
some contexts. "Bio-" or "Protein" bodies may suffice elsewhere.

For those who haven't already seen this wonderful short story:

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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