Re: Crocker's Rules vs. Love & Rocket Science

Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 18:54:51 MDT

In a message dated 9/29/1999 12:14:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 And finally, yes, I often enjoy angry reactions to my ideas, because
 that's a clue that I'm onto something important. Stuff nobody cares
 about just gets ignored (and I've posted plenty of that too). >>

Ahah! well... ok.... just don't fall into the reasoning that beacuse you
can annoy and piss off people, you are wise. If that's true, then Don
Rickles must be an awfully good philosopher.

And the KKK 'angers' me - and people pay attention to them too -- but it
doesn't clue us that they're 'onto something....'

(But I do love the quote you put at the end of all your e-mails!!!!!!!!)

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