Re: Crocker's Rules vs. Love & Rocket Science

Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 05:17:22 MDT

In a message dated 9/29/1999 11:26:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Eli said that, not me. I just said "better philosopher",
 mostly because I'm one of only a handful who really cares
 about philosophy in the first place. >>

Arghhhhhhhhh... them's fightin' words, sonny boy. We other handfull 5%
percent take angry offense ( just kiddn')

But actually I have a dear friend who says that too, and though I love him I
gotta laugh, when he says the rest of Extropians don't "care'" about
philosphy, what he really means:
 they don't.....

"Agree with Mine!!!!!!!!!"

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