RE: Ordering Nanomedicine [was Re: NANOMED]

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 22:21:29 MDT

     Yesterday, while visiting the Half Moon Bay Library--my local
library--I remembered that I wanted to put in a request for Nanomedicine.
I knew, of course that it hadn't come out yet--was due to come out in
October--but I also knew that there was some chance that the HMB library,
or perhaps the Peninsula Library System of which it was a part, might
choose to purchase a copy if there was a demand.
     When I had finished putting in my request it occurred to me that if
everyone did the same, at each and every library they visited, it could
serve to increase, not only the sales of the book, but the distribution of
the ideas contained therein. (Yes, I know, "Duh!!!") So I encourage all
of you to make the small effort to do the same, and to likewise encourage
your friends at academic institutions and elsewhere. Also, remember that
multiple requests will only increase the likelihood that a library will
decide to make the purchase.
    The best to Robert in his efforts. His 1980 Nasa Summer Study is
already among my most favored scribblings.
                        Best, Jeff Davis

           "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                        Ray Charles

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