Re: kathryn's comments

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 22:07:30 MDT

> >Blaming American women for electing
> >Bill Clinton is stepping waaay over the line...
> Kathryn Aegis wrote: Well, that particular demographic did help elect >him. I don't see any particular malice in stating general facts backed >up by polling data....

True, but I was actually hoping to deflect attention from the
more malicious parts of that particular post, and perhaps
inject a bit of humor. {8-]

An interesting comment was made by Elizabeth Childs, regarding
inflammatory comments being ignored by the list, implying
agreement. In one of my favorite movies is A Man For All Seasons,
Sir Thomas More [no relation to Max] strongly points out that
silence is implied consent. This concept is not applicable to
internet chat groups, where the obvious flame baiting is
usually ignored. On the other hand, perhaps it should not
be. On the third hand, internet posters can turn off the
internal censors that interfere with honest and open
communications when face to face. I dont know the answers. spike

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