The Extinction Challenge

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 13:36:50 MDT

I've noticed several casual mentions recently of the idea that spacefaring
civilizations might die off for one reason or another. Since I've yet to
se an even halfway-plausible explanation for how this could happen, I've
decided to issue a challenge:

I hereby challenge anyone to come up with a disaster, natural or
artificial, that could reasonably be expected to render an advanced
spacefaring species completely extinct.

For purposes of clarification:
1) The target civilization is assumed to have self-sustaining colonies in
several solar systems spread across a volume of at least a few dozen cubic

2) The target civilization is assumed to have advanced robotics, genetic
engineering, non-sentient AI, and other such technologies. Just to give
exterminators a sporting chance, we'll pretend that nanotechnology and
sentient AI don't exist.

3) The target civilization is assumed to be at least as intelligent and
diverse as modern-day humanity. So let's not see any proposals that rely
on them all making exactly the same idiotic mistake at the same time.

4) A proposed extinction event must be consistent with current astronomical
knowledge (i.e. either it would be invisible to us, or it is something
we've seen).

Challenge format:
Just post your proposal. I'll reply with a specific explanation of how the
target civilization could survive and rebuild, without recourse to
ultratechnology or contrived foolishness. If you stump me, I'll post a
message saying so. If you don't think my survival plan would work we can
make a thread out of the argument (and we'll let the list judge which side
makes more sense).

Are there any takers?

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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