RE. Extropian/Transhuman music... Where?

Date: Sun Jul 04 1999 - 19:21:49 MDT

>Where do I find current examples of transhuman/extropian music. I saw Max M
>mentioned... Web site? Any other good examples? I'm especially interested in
>stuff I can download.

Damned if I know what extropian music would be... Personally, I find
so-called "space-creating" music very inspiring and beautiful in a way that
might be called "transhuman." Electronic textures seem to characterize a lot
of what I find especially meaningful.

Here's a shortlist of candidate "extropian" tunes:
The "Blade Runner" soundtrack by Vangelis
Almost any other record by Vangelis. Try "Albedo 0.39" or "Direct."
The "2001" soundtrack.
Practically anything by David Bowie.
Brian Eno's "Ambient 1: Music for Airports."

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