expanding interest in life extension

From: Doug Skrecky (oberon@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Mon May 24 1999 - 10:27:54 MDT

In Message #11810 Ben Best <benbest@benbest.com> wrote:

> The new President will bring in a fresh approach which may
> invigorate the organization. Paul wants to expand both the
> explicit and the implicit interest in all forms of life extension
> rather than maintaining a narrow focus on cryonics.
  Great idea - I've always felt one bird (life) in hand was worth two in
the bush. With numerous breakthroughs being made in eliminating the
rigours of old age in rodents, as well as reducing disease processes in
humans, we're entering into the golden age of life extension.
  For those with a scientific bent, specific examples of the former are
rejuvenation of both mitochondrial function, and ambulatory activity
independantly by both acetyl-l-carnitine and lipoic acid. (see Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 95: 9562-9566 August 1998, and FASEB J. 13: 411-418
February 1999) Examples of the later are reductions in human
cardiovascular disease mortality by consumption of nuts, and omega-3
fatty acids, and of prostate cancer by tomato ingestion. Note the recent
dates on the rodent studies. Things are moving faster now than ever before
in the field of life-extension. Worried about becoming senile? Avoid
omega-6 fatty acids like the plague, and guzzle down omega-3's as well as
monosaturated fats!
  A lot of this cutting edge research simply has not had time yet to
filter through to the general public. It looks like even now we have the
ability to largely empty out old age homes of their occupants, and
restore relatively normal lives to most of them. I would be very surprised
if at least some of us are not around at the end of the next century.

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