POL: Extropianism and Politics

From: Terry Donaghe (tdonaghe@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 06:31:09 MST

I agree that Forbes' economic policies APPEAR to be more capitalism
friendly than any of the other government-subsidized candidates (Reps
and Dems), but he still advocates taxation! Why vote for a socialist?

Let's look at how the two major parties stack up to the Extropian

1. Perpetual Progress: "Seeking more intelligence, wisdom, and
effectiveness, an indefinite lifespan, and the removal of political,
cultural, biological, and psychological limits to self-actualization
and self-realization."

Hee hee hee! Can you imagine either of the subsidized parties going
along with ANY of this? Can you imagine any politician actually
removing ANY barrier?

2. Self-Transformation — "Affirming continual moral, intellectual,
and physical self-improvement, through critical and creative thinking,
personal responsibility, and experimentation."

Liberals may come closer to this than conservatives, but I don't think
you could accuse either camp of "critical" thinking.

3. Practical Optimism — "Fueling action with positive expectations.
Adopting a rational, action-based optimism, in place of both blind
faith and stagnant pessimism."

Well, conservatives = blind faith. And again, can we even use the
word rational in conjunction with a discussion about politics?

4. Intelligent Technology — "Applying science and technology
creatively to transcend 'natural' limits imposed by our biological
heritage, culture, and environment. Seeing technology not as an end in
itself but as an effective means towards the improvement of life."

Nope. Can't see any conservative or liberal embracing this principle.
 Transcending 'natural' limits would make a conservative (think
Falwell) wet his pants. And Liberals couldn't get past the cultural
and environmental limits.

5. Open Society — "Supporting social orders that foster freedom of
speech, freedom of action, and experimentation. Opposing authoritarian
social control and favoring the rule of law and decentralization of
power. Preferring bargaining over battling, and exchange over
compulsion. Openness to improvement rather than a static utopia."

The second sentence says it all. Neither of the subsidized political
parties would ever go along with either opposing authoritarian social
controls or the decentralization of power. Both Liberals and
Conservatives are interested in a very CLOSED society that adheres to
their notions of what is "normal."

6. Self-Direction — "Seeking independent thinking, individual freedom,
personal responsibility, self-direction, self-esteem, and respect for


7. Rational Thinking — "Favoring reason over blind faith and
questioning over dogma. Remaining open to challenges to our beliefs
and practices in pursuit of perpetual improvement. Welcoming criticism
of our existing beliefs while being open to new ideas."

Whoops! Let's not even go there. :)


Politics and Extropianism do not mix. The day we find a candidate who
will adhere to the Extropian Principles is the day that we should
crown him/her Absolute Monarch for life! :)


Democracy is simply a mechanism allowing the few (ethnic, social,
corporate, cultural, philosophical minorities) to rule the many. In
order to be elected any given candidate must pander to the wishes of
as many of these minority groups as possible.

Any vote cast in any election is simply your way of submitting to the
absolute power of the State. There was a website (I forget which one)
during the elections in November that I saw - it had a cartoon of a
hideous monster with a caption that read "Thank you for your vote

As for my pick? Why vote for the lesser of two evils? Check out:

(Check out his platform!)


Terry Donaghe: terry@donaghe.com - mail me links to stupid political sites!

My Homepage: <http://www.donaghe.com/terry.htm> - Updated 3/9/99

Also: <http://www.donaghe.com> - See the REAL dancing baby

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