New list: rand-and-abortion

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 06:05:39 MST

Thought some of you might be interested in this.

Daniel Ust

>Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 01:45:56 +0100
>From: Thomas Gramstad <>
>To: philosophy of objectivism <>
>Subject: New list: rand-and-abortion
>I have created a new mailing list about Rand and abortion, so
>that that discussion can continue there (and other lists can be
>spared :-) I have created this list at, which is
>a mailing list system with a web-based interface.
>The description of the list is:
>For discussing ethical, social, political etc. aspects of abortion,
>from a basis of Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. This is NOT a
>forum for abortion in general -- participants are presumed to be
>familiar with Rand's philosophy and to use it as the basis for their
>To subscribe to the list, point your web browser to:
>You will receive a confirmation and info message by E-mail.
>The impetus for this new list is three postings on the
>Randian-feminism list. I will forward these three (written by me,
>Roger Bissell and Doris Gordon, respectively) to the new list on
>friday, which will be the official start for that list. Meanwhile,
>people have a couple of days to read their mail and sign up for the
>list. Please do not attempt to post to the list until friday.
>Thomas Gramstad
>"Virtue is the same in man and in woman." -- Plutarch

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