Re: POL: Extropianism and Politics

Date: Fri Mar 19 1999 - 09:29:18 MST

Ah, Benevolent Despotism....

   It is an old meme which holds a siren call for many. "There is no way to
get these terrible people to agree with anything sensible....I think maybe we
could find at least ONE good and righteous person, so why not give that person
all the power?" It does have its appeals....of course, the problem is that
you have to continue to agree with every decision of your Benevolent Despot,
or else the meme in your mind quickly transmutes to Oppressive Tyrant. Note
that this doesn't even mean that the person in power has to be wrong, just
that you think that person is wrong. Or sometimes, you might even agree in
theory that your leader is right....but it is getting in the way of what you
WANT, right or wrong. And of course, you begin to run into REAL problems if
in fact the person you've installed as dictator is actually making mistakes,
because who is there to correct them?


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