Re: Calorie Restriction (Thank you CR Society)

From: man immortal (
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 08:04:37 MST

my comments are within these bars.
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 22:55:46 -0800From: Spike Jones <>
Subject: Re: Calorie Restriction
Patrick Wilken wrote:
> Doing a quick search on Medline brings up lots of studys on calorie
> restriction. Are any extropians practising it?
a very mild form of it, yes.
I practice my own form of it, yes.
> Is there a threshold that needs to be reached for it to work 
effectively or
> is any CR good (so long as you aren't missing out on adequate 
i wont know for about 60 years, patrick.  {8^D  these kinds of studies
are inherently difficult with humans.  we live so long, the researchers
who set up the studies tend to die before the results come in.  i knew
a dog breeder, in the business for over 40 yrs, who swore cr helped
his dogs live waaay longer.  he claimed a third again longer than
well fed dogs.  spike
After being on CR with inadequate nutrition for about 6 years during 
high-school, I look 3 years younger than I am, but had headaches, 
depression, and was not sexually active, so there were trade-offs.
NOW, I am on cyclical calorie-restriction with DARN NEAR OPTIMAL 
I love my diet, 
I really do.
I love my diet 
and it loves me too. :-)
Scott Painter
Perfectionist, idealist, hedonist, eclectic, universal immortalist, 
transhumanist, extropian, life extensionist, longevist, bodybuilder 
automorph, metamorphosist, survivalist, dietition, nutritionist, 
cryonicist, researcher, scholar, genius, rationalist mastermind, 
futurist, futurologist, space colonization enthusiest, astronomer, 
astrologer, Aries/Pisces, dreamer, meditator, Taoist, Buddhist, Yogin, 
Christian, Kabalist, Pagan, Ancestor Worshipper, Sovereign, former boy 
scout, indian guide, goth, vamp, mage, god, Green Party member, 
environmentalist, neo-primitivist, naturalist, naturist, gymnast, 
athlete, martial artist, dancer, club hopper, cyberpunk, phreak, freak, 
artist, thespian, musician, self-improvement fanatic, adventurer, 
pacifist, optimist, romantic, switch, polyamourist, cyclically 
calorie-restricted and ketogenic Evolutionary-Fitness and Anabolic Burst 
Cycle of Diet and Exercise system enthusiest, 21 year-old, male, 
androgyne, nordic/atlanto-mediterranian, and 
automorphotransmetatechnoreginadiabiophysicist SEEKS ASSISTANCE for 
secret, underground, high elevation, disaster resistant farms, highly 
reusable intergalactic space vehicles, and laboratories for 
transbiological metamorphosis into nanotechnological, molecular 
manufacturing, rapid prototyping, universal assembling, mind uploaded, 
and artificially intelligent utility fogs. ...interested? You should be.
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