Re: Calorie Restriction (Thank you CR Society)

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 01:47:20 MST

man immortal wrote:
> Patrick Wilken wrote:

>> Doing a quick search on Medline brings up lots
>> of studys on calorie restriction. Are any
>> extropians practising it?

I'm not sure I'm an Extropian, but I just joined this list. I've
been on CR for about 6 years (I'll be in a 48 Hours piece next
week, but I doubt there'll be much useful info in it.) I went
from severe to moderate CR a couple of years ago, partly for
scientific reasons. Noted that my fasting glucose was going up
(evil, evil), so now I'm going back down to severe CR again (was
planning to do anyway, but the biostat changes help keep me

>> Is there a threshold that needs to be reached
>> for it to work effectively or is any CR good (so
>> long as you aren't missing out on adequate
>> nutrients)?

> i wont know for about 60 years, patrick. {8^D
> these kinds of studies are inherently difficult
> with humans. we live so long, the researchers
> who set up the studies tend to die before the
> results come in.

Yes. We need a time machine! (Of course, then we wouldn't need

And why is Walford the only CR researcher who actually follows
the diet? Strange. Optimism Dept: Because the rest think a pill
version is just around the corner.

There doesn't seem to be a threshold in rodents. And I doubt
there's one in any species. It seems to be: the more you "R" the
"C", the better the effect, all the way to a point VERY near
starvation. (I wouldn't push it, personally.)

There are a few primate CR studies underway, and some
"accidental" and epidemiological studies in humans (very few
though). I have links to them on my CR page (messy and in need of

Until we have validated biomarkers of aging, we will need the
120-year (or 150-year!) study to know with absolute certainty
whether CR works in humans, and to what degree. Myself, I think
based on what we know that there's very little chance that it
won't work for us.

> After being on CR with inadequate nutrition for
> about 6 years during high-school,

AKA "anorexia" :) People on CR would call that FR (food
restriction) or DR (dietary) (though a few people have been
making up their own names, CRAN, CRON, CROL (...Oriented towards

> I am on cyclical calorie-restriction with DARN
> NEAR OPTIMAL nutrition and I feel ABSOLUTELY

Right on! CR definitely makes me feel great too. The scrawniness
is a bummer, though. Much harder than the hunger, after an
adjustment period. You feel so much better than you look (if you
start out non-obese).

Best, and pardon typos,

Brian Manning Delaney
(No need to CC articles to me.)

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