Mind machines, a badly neglected topic? (Was: Re: Mind Control, 1990s)

From: den Otter (neosapient@geocities.com)
Date: Fri Oct 23 1998 - 10:31:21 MDT

> From: Ian Goddard <Ian@Goddard.net>

> At 01:24 PM 10/19/98 +0100, den Otter wrote:
> >Even a machine with just one setting, pleasure, would be
> >an absolutely unbeatable product (and a very transhuman
> >one too: now you control your own emotions). The stuff that
> >dreamsare made of. Now of course follows the inevitable
> >question: why hasn't this been done yet? Do only implants
> >have this effect (even then there would be many possible
> >applications), or are the results too varied to create a
> >viable product around the concept of "outside" (microwave
> >etc.) brain stimulation?
> IAN: There is an external electrical mind control
> technology on the market. Unlike the flashing light
> and sound machines, it delivers an electric impulse
> via clips placed on the ear lobes, and by that means
> "entrains" the brain to follow the impulse frequency,
> and the general aim is to induce deep relaxation.

Certainly a step in the right direction, but IMO still way
below the technology's true potential. Imagine a machine
that you just put on your head (I'm not sure how big the
total device would have to be, and how much energy it
would need etc., but even a static version would have great
marketing potential) that gives you instant, safe pleasure
like you've never felt before. Resistance is futile -- you will
be pleasured, guaranteed. The ultimate form of entertainment;
you could look at a grey wall and still be amused (but to
make the experience more natural one could watch a
movie or listen to music for example). This kind of stuff
was so far only possible with dangerous (often illegal)
and unreliable chemicals.

And this is just the pure hedonism part; other settings could
for example help you to achieve "deep thoughtful concentration"
(great for work and study) or "super relaxation" (great against
all kinds of stress). How about using a relaxing or pleasure
setting during operations, or to relieve any kind of chronic
or acute pain. There is a world of possible applications out there
right for the taking. If there ever was a product that's virtually
guaranteed to sell then this must be it.

Now, can anyone tell me: why on earth isn't this product on
the market yet? Are there technical problems, or is everyone
just missing a great opportunity here? I mean, one could get
richer than Bill Gates by making a product that will virtually sell
*itself*, and no doubt will change society quite a bit in the process.

FYI, for those that didn't follow this thread on the extropians list, here's a link
to bring you up to speed, courtesy of Ian Goddard.

  Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society:



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