Re: Another Hypothesis

Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 11:52:19 MST

       I had a general good opinion of our government and the Attorney
General John Ashcroft insofar as the use of "secret evidence" by our
government in dealing with our citizenry as well as people of foreign birth
that might be here on one status or another both legal and illegal.
       There are 31 citations listed in the evidence you provided me and the
Extropy list. Thirty of the citations concern practices or events during the
Clinton administration. Some referred to court cases, some to Bob Barr's
attempt to get a law against such practices as the use of secret evidence.
       I am not sure what purpose the law was intended to serve as our courts
have repeatedly put the government in its place regarding unfair or
unconstitutional practices. For evidence I'll refer you to any good High
School History book. Perhaps the law was intended to aid the defendents in
avoiding a lengthy and expensive court process before the government would
have been reprimanded -- if so that is good.
       The 31st and last citation was a letter from the ACLU to President
Bush thanking him for supporting the ACLU in its fight against "secret
       So it looks like secret evidence is about an old issue that at least
with this administration is not a problem. If you have further evidence I
would appreciate hering from you.
Ron h.

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