Re: Another Hypothesis

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 02:38:16 MST wrote:
> Harvey,
> I had a general good opinion of our government and the Attorney
> General John Ashcroft insofar as the use of "secret evidence" by our
> government in dealing with our citizenry as well as people of foreign birth
> that might be here on one status or another both legal and illegal.
> There are 31 citations listed in the evidence you provided me and the
> Extropy list. Thirty of the citations concern practices or events during the
> Clinton administration. Some referred to court cases, some to Bob Barr's
> attempt to get a law against such practices as the use of secret evidence.
> I am not sure what purpose the law was intended to serve as our courts
> have repeatedly put the government in its place regarding unfair or
> unconstitutional practices. For evidence I'll refer you to any good High
> School History book. Perhaps the law was intended to aid the defendents in
> avoiding a lengthy and expensive court process before the government would
> have been reprimanded -- if so that is good.
> The 31st and last citation was a letter from the ACLU to President
> Bush thanking him for supporting the ACLU in its fight against "secret
> evidence."
> So it looks like secret evidence is about an old issue that at least
> with this administration is not a problem. If you have further evidence I
> would appreciate hering from you.
> Ron h.

I am sorry but that would be utterly laughable if the situation
was any less dangerous. I do not believe this summary is an
honest appraisal. What is your agenda?

- samantha

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