RE: nineteen sixties

Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 11:01:10 MST

From: Greg Burch

>>From: Harvey Newstrom
>>spike66 asked,
>>>What were the sixties about?

>Having grown up in the 60s*, I've thought about this question a lot.
>[* I was 13 in 1970, but had an older brother with whom I tagged along
>into some of the core experiences people associate with "the 60s."
>Also, as Damien B points out, "the 60s" really didn't begin until 1962-4
>or so and didn't end until some time in the early- to mid-70s.]

I grew up in the 1950s, but lived in the 1960s - was a teenager and a
radical. I remember the 60s very well - like my own breath on a chilly
night - cold, crisp, refreshing, visual and real.

I appreciated Harvey's post very much because it brought memories that I
could touch, but I cringed at Eli's post, not because it was untrue or
opened old wounds, but because it was filled with disdain and looked at
only one part of an era, rather than the whole.

The 60s saw the most spectacular technical achievement of the 20th Century
when man landed on the moon in July 1969. The 1960s also realized civil
rights, birth control pill, disco, Pop Art, Motown. Seeing my closest
friends go to Vietnam was horrific - seeing others flee the country was

I loved the 1960s for my own maturation as a woman. Being part of the the
60s movement helped carve my nature. Seeing Martin Luther King and being
in Memphis when he was assassinated was paramount to my views on freedom
and civil rights. Being a beauty queen and socialite gave me a sense of
grace, and leaving the south to live with the Navajo Indians gave me
courage. Like many people who were a vital part of the 1960s, my
philosophy as a futurist was realized and developed because I was a part of
the 1960s - an era that I shall always hold as radical, insightful and
carrying much of the foolish and irrational of being human, but attempting
to reach beyond human restraints. Let it be rememberd as one of the
beginnings of transhumanity.


Natasha Vita-More

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