Re: nineteen sixties

Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 10:43:40 MST

In a message dated 12/24/2002 10:42:02 AM Central Standard Time, writes: I very much agree with Harvey that
transhumanism can claim to be the legitimate descendant of much of what was
best about "the 60s" -- the adventurism, the energy, the ideals of ultimate
liberty and exploration. But that's a post for another day, I think ...

Greg, as they used to say. I saw it from the standpoint of what was going on
in the University engineering depts. The challenge of the studies and the
excitement of the new world coming over the horizon -- the moon, underseas
mining, automation in manufacturing to mention only a few. Then during the
same decade the excitement of my first engineering job, grad school at night,
the raises and the promotions.
       Then I would look over and see how LBJ had totally betrayed his
supporters with his machinations to start the Vietnamese war -- okay, to
enlarge it. I had studied war enough to see that LBJ & flunkies were totally
screwing things up.
       As far as I could see the only good thing happening socially was the
break down of segregation.
Ron h.

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