RE: The Accepting Unwelcome Truths Thread on Extropians

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 18:58:38 MST

Lee Corbin and some other posters commented inter alia on

> Jeff writes
> > Two and two is four. The holocaust either did or did
> > not happen.

> Whether the Nazis
> killed 14 million people in their concentration
> camps is another matter, but is not still not
> denied by the vast, vast majority of reasonable
> people.

In that post, people, Jeff was writing principally of a purported and
continuing *American* holocaust, inflicted as state policy on a number of
nations. People seem not to have noticed that this was his intended meaning,
or to have shied away in revulsion from the very idea. But really it would
help to pay attention to what he's actually *saying* (as it helps to pay
attention to what Chomsky or Derrida actually said, and to whom, and for
what reasons, and under what circumstances, etc, before running about like
chickens with their heads cut off).

Damien Broderick
[this was a non-partypolitical announcement]

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