Re: Noam Chomsky

From: Brian Phillips (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 19:41:02 MST

 spike66 <> wrote:
<<I can't take any of you guys to one of my neighborhood
block parties. My area is full of Vietnamese, many of
whom fled the communists and many who lost it all or had
family members slain by communists. There are those who
risked it all to get on a riverboat and put out to sea to
escape Vietnam.

If anyone even mentions the word communist at one of those
parties, they soon start telling their stories. The result
is bone chilling, scary. They mean it. Listening to them
gave me a whole new view of the Vietnam war. spike>>

This is interesting (if rather disturbing). Glad they got
away. We need people who distrust governments!

For my own part I have been forced to learn to laugh
at the suggestion I am in fact really a communist!
  The lady in question hails from Bosnia, and (as she spent
the first 21 years of life there) was in fact a member of
"Tito's Pioneers" (which as I understand it was basically
the Yugoslavian Communist Youth Party) . I have been
forced by her beauty and intelligence to repeat the
phrase "We are Tito's, Tito is Ours" in Serb-Croat
so she can laugh at it. She then calls me a Commie.
(mjoe mali komunist!)
  Perhaps I am really a Communist. Or perhaps this
is what happens when you sleep with the enemy.
  Not sure. :)
  I would like to encourage the single men on the list to
keep an eye out for the slavic ladies. They seem long on
brains, refinement, and are.. hmm... very warm.

Verlo dobro.

Language lessons can be FUN!

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