Re: Programming Question

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 01:09:34 MST

Kimberly Dubbs wrote:

> Can anyone point me toward some programming references?
> I need to automate the process of filling out embedded forms on HTML
> pages. The client code will be in C++ or Java.
> If someone here can provide a pointer to useful documentation on this
> subject, I'd be most appreciative.

Do you want to fill out the forms, or do you want to trigger the action
that happens when you submit a filled-out form? The two are different,
and the latter is a lot more common. Do a google for "CGI HTTP" (to
distinguish it from other things CGI stands for) to get the lowdown on
the spec that browsers use when you submit a form.

Also, please double-check what you are doing or have been asked to do,
and make sure it isn't writing spambots (for instance, writing automated
registration scripts). The world has enough spambots, and tend only to
cause trouble and damage, despite their users' sincere beliefs that
their only effect is to create wealth (they don't; at best, they shift
money around by suckering people, while burning up useful qualia - good
will, honesty, bandwidth, and so forth). I ask because this is far and
away the most common use for automating the process etc. as you stated.
There are other uses, but they are rare. (And if you don't know how to
do it, you probably don't know about the abuses - and specifically how
you can be tricked into contributing to these abuses. Which can do bad
things to your career, by being tarred by working for those who would
abuse. I've managed to avoid this myself, but others have not been so

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