Re: Programming Question

From: Max M (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 02:28:31 MST

Adrian Tymes wrote:
> Kimberly Dubbs wrote:

> Also, please double-check what you are doing or have been asked to do,
> and make sure it isn't writing spambots (for instance, writing automated
> registration scripts).

During the .com boom there where some companies offering new prices
every hour. The idea being that you came to their website and saw their
commercials, while guessing for price money.

Well I have a friend who wrote a programme that answered these online
multiple choice quiz'es automatically.

Many of the questions were repeated, but when the programme was in doubt
it guessed a random answer.

So I helped him out, and wrote a little programme that could guess
multiple choice questions far better than random.

I sat next to him in the office, and couldn't help but smiling every
time he got an email that he had won a price.

Talk about applied AI for automatically making money ...

So there can be good reasons for automatically filling out forms. For
fun and profit ;-)

regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark

# newsgroup quote:

I have written this little Python program that usually raises a few
eyebrows. It answer multiple choice questions.

It is very simple. ie.

question = 'What is Python'
choices = (
                'a programming language',
                'a tv series',
                'a snake'
It then queries google with:

"What is Python a programming language"
"What is Python a tv series"
"What is Python a snake"

and chooses the result that gets the most hits.

Simple, but far better then random.

Well it's not of much use, but kind of fun and very low budget AI ...


More info here:

hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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