Creekside/Ventureville recent activities...

From: John Grigg (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 00:26:54 MST

We opened officially this last Friday and had our first guests arrive all the way from Dickinson, Texas. When they felt crushed that we did not have cable television(we do as of today) I recommended they enjoy the view of nature's wonders from their porch. lol! They were a friendly married couple who upon leaving told me they had a very nice time with us and would stay here again for their next visit to relatives in the area.

It has been a long road to getting where we are now. David Pizer's "castle in the sky" has been made reality to a great extent. Now it's time to make money and gather our strength for what will be coming next. What we have is currently only phase one of his farsighted vision for the eventual creation of the Ventureville community.

Last night the Mayer Chamber of Commerce had a mixer at in our main lodge building great room. We had expected only about forty people but three times that number showed up! Marilyn, the sweet representative from the Chamber, gave the opening remarks to thank her volunteers and then she turned things over to David.

He shared his love for the place and described all it had to offer. Quite a bit of humor was included about some of the ups and downs we had in getting to this point. Dave definitely won over his audience with his remarks. At a certain point he put his hand on my shoulder and introduced me to the people of Mayer as his manager-in-training. I felt very proud at that moment and had a lump in my throat. Dave also gave a great deal of credit to his wife and the gentleman whose company did a good job building the lodge.

After his talk he and I divided up the crowd and took them on tours of the place. I lead quite an exodus to the cabins below and received numerous compliments about what they saw.

I am not a natural "schmoozer" but I will learn in time. I did my best to make people feel welcome as I got to know those attending. I was fortunate to have Jerry Searcy, an Alcor volunteer and friend of ours to help out in this matter. One of the best contacts I made was with the marketing representative from Arcosanti. This is an experimental community not far from us which sponsors various excellent concerts and lectures.

The entire evening was a success beyond our wildest dreams. Obviously people wanted to see what we had to offer and I believe they really liked what they saw and heard. A bond is developing between us and the local people which will help as we move forward to seeing Ventureville take root.

The Cryofeast is coming up! I truly hope to see many of you there and I promise Dave and Trudy know how to show folks a good time. You will never have attended one of these events in such upscale and naturally beautiful surroundings, I promise you! Holes have even been dug so those who wish to can plant "time capsule" trees which will be living reminders of the promising present and the possible glorious future we are moving toward. Please come and join us.

By Thursday night John deRivaz and I should have pictures of Creekside posted on the Venturist website. I realize many of you are impatient to see if it is as nice as we claim.

YEE-HAA!!! I may just wear my cowboy hat for the cryofeast. : )

best wishes to all,

John Grigg
The Creekside Preserve/Ventureville
P.S. Where do you people find the time to read and write all these posts? LOL! I remember fondly the days when I had lots of free time.



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