RE: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 16:22:06 MST

Hubert wrote:
> Let me express one last statement before I leave this thread:
> I don't know any further names and terms to paraphrase the fascistic
> thinking of the dialog between Lee Corbin and Rafal Smigrodzki, which
> is absolute Zero, the lowest point I've experienced on the extropy
> list since 1996. Sounds like two SS men are joking around. I
> understand, there is NO irony involved. If there was, I would
> probably laugh along and shake my head in an ironic mood about good
> ole capitalist profit thinking, but they MEAN it and I feel
> absolutely helpless.
> Don't tell me anything about freedom of thought. This is inhumane,
> insane, sadistic. I sincerely hope neither one of them will ever have
> enough power, money and wisdom to get to any initial state of a
> transhuman being. This level of degradation and neglect - I mean the
> German "Verwahrlosung" - is so fucking dangerous because it is
> inflaming persons who get involved in it. I already realize how it
> starts eating me up and inducing me to write statements I would
> rather not do in a normal situation. Once again I realize the truth
> of the popular version of the famous "abyss" quote by Friedrich
> Nietzsche:
> "He who fights the dragon for too long, becomes a dragon himself"
> So before it's too late, I quit, but not without having puked the
> hugest load my guts are able to throw up.
> Hubert Mania
### Quite an arrogant post. Sarcasm-blind. Squashing the opponent like some
loathsome bug.

Well, whatever.


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