RE: duck me!

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 10:25:49 MDT

gts wrote:

> And if my backup were to be restored prior to my death then I might
> actually find myself in mortal combat with him, in Thor's name of
> course.

### As a person friendly to you, I'd see Thor's servant as merely a case of
demonic possession, a creature formed by the destruction of your personality
and inhabiting your body, most likely using nanotechnological brain rewiring
techniques, because I cannot imagine how you, gts/2002, could ever become a
servant of Thor by non-invasive or spontaneous change. I'd assist in
defrosting your backup, and together we'd teach Thor a lesson.

Yeah, once the Stormfronters start uploading we'll see a lot of them running
about with funny Nordic names, but they won't last long if they mess with
the wrong folks.


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