Re: the brains in bahrain think mainly of hussein

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Oct 20 2002 - 21:38:54 MDT


I would think the world's best Checkers player would stalemate the world's best Checkers computer program every time if he/she is playing in top form. Checkers could be considered the "thinking man's tic tac toe!"

As for the U.S. attack on Iraq, I'm not sure if within forty days all the military forces will be in position for an invasion. Also, we may still be courting French and Russian support for the war forty days from now. But I realize President Bush(from the American equivalent of a Roman patrician family) is determined to get Saddam(talk about a MAJOR LEAGUE family grudge, lol!) and my gut feeling is he will go through with things.

I have a very bad gut feeling that even though Bush and others want to oust Saddam to curtail terrorism, it may ironically have just the opposite effect. The temporary U.S./U.N. occupation of Iraq could reinvigorate Al Quada(and other groups) with a raging desire to carry out what in the western world would call the ultimate nightmare scenario. Several hundred-thousand dead in some U.S. or European city may be the price we pay down the road for this military campaign to overthrow a tyrant, but I hope I prove to be just a worry wart on the matter. We will have a much better idea one to five years after the war(when tempers have hopefully cooled down).

We are in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation here. I truly believe Saddam must be stopped now before he is fortified with a multitude of homegrown nukes and the accurate delivery systems to use them. And for all we know, he might have a few tactical nukes he bought from renegade Russians on the black market. If so we might suffer horrific casualties if we get sloppy and he gets lucky...

I think we all know he has a "Hitler in the bunker at the end of the war" mentality and does not care about his people. So he will be crazy and desperate enough to try anything once he knows his military's back has been broken and we are coming for him.

Best wishes to my president and the military personnel involved,




On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:14:02  
 Dehede011 wrote:
>In a message dated 10/20/2002 6:29:32 PM Central Standard Time, 
> writes: Now what did this thread have to do with 
>Hussein?  I would say he is one "chess player" who is in danger of checkmate 
>fairly soon.  Of course Bush's pieces are capable of moves Hussein could only 
>dream about doing...  
>       I believe an online search on checkers will turn up a program that 
>beats the world's best Checker player and that it is available for online 
>play.  I am disgusted that I can't remember the name of the program.
>       I was watching the moon rise tonight and figure the attack on Hussein 
>should start in either (about) 10 days or in 40 days.  What say you?
>Ron h.
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