Re: The Nanogirl News~

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Oct 20 2002 - 22:03:32 MDT

Avatar Polymorph wrote:
Just a THANK YOU to Gina Miller for this service. I forward most of the
articles on to half a dozen people (retaining the attribution and original
source address) to spread the word on nanotechnology. It's important to make
others realize that what we hold for granted as being obvious and common
sense matters are actually being expressed in the "real world" sphere.

I also want to thank Gina for ~The Nanogirl News~ which regularly bolsters my conviction nanotech is rapidly developing and will eventually transform humanity. I realize people regularly thank her on this list, but I just did not want to be an ingrate.

Gina, if you ever quit doing the news, there will be a massive write-in campaign by extropians to get you started again! It will be the transhumanist equivalent of rabid Futurama fans begging for their favorite show to not be canceled! : )

Avatar, I never even thought of sharing Gina's list with others online! GREAT IDEA!! I will start with my brother Mike! Even though he thinks cryonics is bizarre, this might appeal to him considering his interest in electronics and computers.

best wishes,


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