RE: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: gts (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 18:22:54 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Excqueeze me, but how many aircraft did we lose over Bagdad last
> time around? none.

I seemed to recall that we lost at least one aircraft in the air during
the gulf war, so I did a little checking...

According to the web sources below, coalition forces lost 45 aircraft in
the gulf war. 22 of them were US aircraft. One was lost in the air (it
was I think an unmanned aircraft). By comparison Iraq lost about 183
aircraft. Including defections to Iran, Iraq lost something like 500

The second reference above seems to be a well-informed discussion of
current Iraqi military capabilities, which are indeed greatly diminished
in comparison to pre gulf war. They haven't an ice-cube's chance in
hell. Like you say they'll be fighting in line to be first to surrender.
It would be a stretch to call this pending event a "war."


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