From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 11:20:22 MDT
On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 04:21 pm, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
>> (Dickey, Michael F <>):
>> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
>>> Until libertarian candidates become more popular and realistic,
>>> I see the Democratic party as the lesser of two evils.
>> Great post. I concur totally....
> Frankly, I find the attitude dangerous and unamerican. A vote isn't
> a bet--you don't "lose" if you vote for a candidate that isn't elected.
> It's an expression of preference, and you only lose if your real
> preference isn't heard. Voting for the lesser of two evils perpetuates
> evil, is dishonest, and is part of the cause of American political
> cynicism. And refusing to stand up for your real beliefs because they
> aren't yet "popular" enough is just cowardly. If you really, honestly
> believe that the Libertarian candidate would be the best, you are
> morally obligated to express that preference, or else you are morally
> complicit in perpetuating the duopoly.
I guess I wasn't clear enough.
I consider myself to be a libertarian according to the world's
smallest political quiz. However, I do not believe in the extremely
anti-government position of many libertarians to the point of being an
anarchist. As I listed in my post, I really think centralized
government control is good for some things I want: schools,
libraries, roads, regulation of big companies. For my purposes, I
really prefer what the democrats are promising over what the
libertarians are promising. Although I consider myself a libertarian,
my priorities do not match libertarians who want to privatize these
activities and dismantle the government completely. If we had
libertarian candidates who focused on the freedoms of both axis
equally, I would probably vote for them. While they focus on more
right-wing agendas than left-wing agendas, I really would prefer that
the democrat candidate win. Although I really do consider myself a
balanced libertarian, I really am voting for the candidates who I
would prefer to see win.
-- Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <> Principal Security Consultant <>
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